
A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians is unavailable, but you can change that!

A man of strong conviction and faith, William Wilberforce shook England’s contented Christians from their spiritual slumber with the publication of A Practical View of Christianity. After recounting his own finding of Christ and the impact it made in his life, Wilberforce’s book confronts his fellow countrymen as “nominal” Christians, complacent in being Christian in name only. By accepting the...

the very circumstance of its having been written by a Layman, which must at least exclude the idea, an idea sometimes illiberally suggested to take off the effect of the works of Ecclesiastics, that it is prompted by motives of self-interest, or of professional prejudice. But if the writer’s apology should not be found in the Work itself, and in his avowed motive for undertaking it; in vain would he endeavour to satisfy his readers by any excuses: he will therefore proceed, without farther preamble,
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